Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. There's a lot of other things you could be doing right cleaning, or watching a movie, or writing your own blog. But you chose to spend your time reading mine. For this I thank you! (Hopefully this doesn't make you rethink your decision :)

"Better to live alone in a tumbledown shack than share a mansion with a nagging spouse." Proverbs 21:8

I must admit it can be pretty hard sometimes to be single around the holidays. I mean who wants to go alone to a christmas party? (especially when you've promised for 3 years in a row to bring a date next year, to no avail :)
Next month will be my 29th birthday (its Jan 22nd for those who would like to send presents) and my twenties have been a really great time. But this birthday will begin the countdown; yes the dreaded countdown where every day pushes me closer to 30. Scary stuff. And as I consider the possibility of entering my thirties alone [I mean 'thirty, flirty, and thriving] I have to count my blessings, which are many, and realize that sometimes being single is pretty darn good.
So here is my list--- the top 25 perks of being single:
You can sleep in whenever you want (and there’s no one to wake you up in the middle of the night tossing & turning either)
Your money is your own (so no arguments about finances)
You can buy the food you want and watch the tv shows you want
There’s no one’s dirty underwear to pick up off the bathroom floor
There’s nobody expecting you to make meals for them everyday
You have the covers all to yourself
You can be friends with whoever you want (guys & girls) without having to explain yourself
You only have one set of relatives to deal with
The toilet seat is always left down
Your free time is yours to spend however you want to relax
There’s no one to tell you you’re a bad driver
You don’t have to listen to snoring or farting all night :)
You can eat ice cream straight from the carton and no one cares
You can pick up and travel whenever you want (or move even)
You can invest more time and energy in friends
You don’t have to worry what your mother-in-law thinks of you (because you don’t have one :)
You can become more aware of who you are and what your dreams are
You can devote more time to God
There’s no one to help put you on an emotional roller coaster
You have the freedom to be spontaneous
You can shop however long you want without hearing “Are we done yet?”
You can read an entire book without being interrupted
You don’t have to share the toothpaste with anyone
You don’t have to check with anyone before you RSVP
You can stay in the bath or shower however long you want!

See, isn't it amazing??
That being said, if you know any eligible bachelors feel free to give them my number :)


Shauna said...

AHhhaaa...I loved this post Elaina. You're so candid and it's great. I wish I had some nice single guy friends to hand your number to! It's true though, better to be single than to be with someone just for the sake of being with someone...He will come my friend!! ;)