Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. There's a lot of other things you could be doing right cleaning, or watching a movie, or writing your own blog. But you chose to spend your time reading mine. For this I thank you! (Hopefully this doesn't make you rethink your decision :)

“You who are simple, gain prudence; you who are foolish, gain understanding. “ Proverbs 8:5

One rainy night my friend and I met up at a local mall so we could carpool to a film festival which was an hour away. She offered to drive so I was going to leave my car parked in the lot. As she pulled her car up I was on a phone call and I hopped out of my car and into hers. The film festival was pretty good but I had a nagging feeling the whole time that I had forgotten something. Four hours later as we were driving back I was digging through my purse to find my no avail of course.
“Oh, no! I must have left my keys in my car!” I told her.
As we pulled into the parking lot and approached my car it was evident that the head lights had been left on as well.
“Oh great, not only did I leave my keys in the car but I left my lights on too!”
As we pulled closer I realized that for some reason the car appeared to be running. As it turned out not only had I left my keys in the car, but I left them in the ignition...with the lights on... and the car running...and the windshield wipers wiping...the car radio blaring...and the heat on full blast.
“Man!” my friend said, “that must have been one interesting phone call.”
I later tried to convince myself that I must have simply left the keys in the car and some punk teenagers from the mall had turned everything on in the car as a practical joke.

[As if that was somehow better.]

Or maybe they thought about taking it for a joy ride and then realized that it was definitely a set up since no one would ever be that foolish.
I guess they never met me!


Shauna said...

Baaahhh! I love that story...only you Elaina, only you. ;)