Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. There's a lot of other things you could be doing right cleaning, or watching a movie, or writing your own blog. But you chose to spend your time reading mine. For this I thank you! (Hopefully this doesn't make you rethink your decision :)

"A friendly smile makes you happy, and good news makes you feel strong." Proverbs 15:30

Christians should be the happiest people in the world. First of all, our eternal destination is enough to wake up with a smile on our faces. And going to church, it's pretty easy to find stuff to laugh about. It's not that hard if you look, you can find some of the most 'interesting' people there. They should give you enough material to laugh the rest of your life. Some people make me laugh because they are slightly super-spiritual (if you know what I mean). You might ask them ,
"Hey, are you wanna grab a bite to eat?"
You hear: "Oh, sister, you know Jesus is the bread of life. He's the only food I ever need!"
So, that's a 'no' then?
..."Hey, hows your week going?"
"Oh, let me tell ya...God's still on the throne! That's all I know!"
Yesterday at church I saw the funniest comedy act in the row in front of me...I could hardly contain myself. It was two older women, probably in their eighties or nineties, apparently one of them was almost completely deaf. The speaker asked the lady a question and she didn't answer, she just stared at him. He turned to her sister (who also was hard of hearing)...
"Does she speak any English?", he said.
"She doesn't hear all that well", the lady yelled.
She turned to her sister and shouted in her ear "The man is talking to you, Phyllis! I told him you don't hear so well!"
"I SAID you don't hear very well!"
She turned to the preacher and said,"This is my sister...she gets on my nerves."
"Ask her if she wants more of the Holy Spirit", the preacher said.
It went on like that for a while and I about died laughing.
Also on Sunday the kids I was teaching were making me laugh with all their incorrect answers:
I said, 'Can someone tell me one of the fruits of the spirit?'
'What? No.'
"Ooh, ooh, I know! Pineapple!"
'No, guys, it's not actual fruit. You know this.'
"The Pursuit of Happiness?"
'No, kinda the wrong got the self part right though'.. (looking for self-control).
"Ooh, ooh, self-destruction?"
Oh, I give up.
I also love it that Christians can be the corniest people in the world. (Don't get me wrong, I can be pretty corny myself!) In case you don't believe me, I will leave you with a prime example (Hopefully it brings a smile to your face :)


Melissa Fiske said...

that was awesome! how do you find things like this?! matt and i were both laughing! :-)

Shauna said...

Elaina, I couldn't watch it. I was cringing for the first 20 seconds then gagged after the next 20 seconds, I had to look away.

a whole lotta love said...

i didn't want to watch.. but i couldn't help getting through to the end of it. it was too hilarious. love the old bald dude who looks like he's bored out of his mind. and what's with the line.."and he'll zap you any way he can"??!

Elaina said...

I know...I can't figure out if this was for real or not, some of the lines are questionable like the zap line :)