Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. There's a lot of other things you could be doing right cleaning, or watching a movie, or writing your own blog. But you chose to spend your time reading mine. For this I thank you! (Hopefully this doesn't make you rethink your decision :)

Proverb-free Friday

Is it really already Friday? This week has really flown by.
Time just has a way of getting away from you... doesn’t it? If you’re not careful the days and months and years just pass you by and you wake up one day and you wonder what you did with it all. Lately I’ve been much more aware of time speeding up. I remember when I was five I was told we were going to Disney World in three weeks. It might as well have been an eternity; I didn’t think those 3 weeks would ever end! Time is just perceived differently as a child. These days I hear parents relating time to their kids according to TV...
"You need to go to your room for one full Spongebob”.
“We’re leaving in half of a Nemo”.
“You have less than a Blues Clues before this room needs to be picked up!”
Kinda sad, huh? But, hey, it’s a time perception that kids can relate to.
If I had to break down my 28 years--I’ve spent approximately 3 years of my life eating, 10 years sleeping, 2 years waiting in line or in the car, 8 years of education/working, 3 years recreation/exercise, and 2 years in the bathroom/getting ready. Kinda crazy!
I am determined to not let life just be a passing blur. Several people have commented to me as of late that it seems like I’m going through a mid-life crisis. They are joking with me because I guess it not exactly ‘typical Elaina’ to be backpacking across Europe, jumping out of planes, rock climbing, kayaking, hiking...etc. But in the last few months I have had some unique opportunities and I have just been trying to take in as much of life as I can.

My next exciting adventure is coming up in a couple weeks when I will be headed to Scotland! My friend Lydia has become good pals with the lead bag-piper of a band called the ‘Red Hot Chili Pipers’ (you can’t make this stuff up). He invited her to come to Scotland for a visit and she asked if I would come along for the ride. How could I pass up a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hang with an international bagpiping rock star (not to mention a free place to stay, free transportation, and tour guide? :) So my awesome boss granted me some unpaid vacation days and we leave in a couple weeks. I am so excited!
Remember, life is it up!

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”. John 10:10


Shauna said...

So I read the the band name incorrectly, and sat thinking for a few min. trying to remember even one song by the RHCpeppers with a bag pipe in it....hmmm. I was pleasantly surprised by the video. How random of Lydia!