Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. There's a lot of other things you could be doing right cleaning, or watching a movie, or writing your own blog. But you chose to spend your time reading mine. For this I thank you! (Hopefully this doesn't make you rethink your decision :)

“The memory of the righteous will be a blessing” Proverbs 10:7

People are always commenting on my memory...they think I remember everything. The truth is I have a very strange, selective memory. Oh sure, I can remember the birthdays of all my fellow classmates in fourth grade; I can remember the songs and lines to every play I was in as a child; I can remember what I ordered at the Olive Garden 10 years ago. But try to get me to remember to change the oil in my car or where I parked at the mall. Now that’s embarrassing! “Oh, what was it again? D4? Or was it B4? Maybe E4.”
So I find myself asking some poor old guy walking by...
”Excuse me sir, can you tell me where my car is?”
That’s a great way to make friends.
Just last week I was on an intense phone call with a friend as I walked into the mall...I did my shopping and was getting ready to leave when I realized I had no idea where I had even entered the mall. I was so distracted on the phone call that I had not the faintest clue as to what door or level I had parked at. I had to retrace my steps through the entire mall based on cursory glances inside stores and advertising signs. It was like being a detective with absolutely no clues to go on. That was a good time!
I also have the very keen knack of forgetting where I put things. I know almost everybody does, but I am definitely too young to be losing my memory this often. I’ve lost my keys, my wallet, my camera, my cell phone, my check book... you name it. Yesterday I walked out of Staples and forgot my purse on the checkout counter...the poor cashier had to chase me down. Last week it was the credit card I left at Chili’s. It scares me. Who knows...someday someone from Walmart may call and say, “Hello Miss? Yes, seem to have forgotten your children here. You can pick them up at the customer service desk.”
Darn it, I knew I forgot something.