Birthday Post
Well, it's good that today is a Proverb-free Friday... I'm not sure how many 'birthday proverbs' there are :) So far it has been a great day, I have been reflecting on birthdays of the past and trying to remember what I was doing on each year for my birthday.
For the most part I have had really good B-days (just a couple not-so-good ones). My parents threw us some pretty extravagant parties as children. If you want to convince your child that they are the center of the universe, treat them like it on their birthday. I admit I have an over-developed sense of entitlement...somehow I have come to believe that people have to actually do what I want all day on January 22nd. (Don't know where I got that idea from, mom :) I guess its time to come clean. My name is Elaina Rogers, and I am a birthday diva. (As you can see by the birthday tiara, compliments of a certain BFF from Virginia).
My mom was throwing us princess parties before there was any such thing as the 'Disney Princess' line. We acted out the whole story of Sleeping Beauty at my party when I was 5. There was also the 'Somewhere over the Rainbow' party where we were transported by trampoline into a magical land filled with hidden candies and treats (aka, the other side of the living room). The best birthday tradition was that we got to pick whatever sugary cereal we wanted (which was off-limits for the most part the rest of the year), served to us as breakfast-in-bed. I seem to remember picking Fruity Pebbles every year...I'm actually surprised that the FDA hasn't done away with that cereal yet. There's just something 'not right' about the thick layer of coating it leaves on your tongue and teeth after eating. But it is still just as awesome now as it was back then. Some friends who know of my deep love for cereal walked in my office today with a year-supply for my birthday (see picture above). That was like a childhood dream fulfilled.
My birthday parties growing up were different every year...pool parties, sleepovers, bowling name it. But there was definitely a consistent theme---and that was PIÑATAS.
I have always been a big fan of the piñata, basically for the sole reason that there were large amounts of candy involved. Me and my dad used to make them time we made a piñata cat named Franswa. In hindsight, I would not recommend naming a piñata when creating it at home, the act simply creates an unrealistic attachment which is then somewhat broken when your little friends beat it to a pulp.
The best part of birthdays are, of course, the cake. As I posted earlier on my facebook, "Birthdays are nature's way of reminding us to eat more cake". My best friend growing up always had red velvet cake at her birthday parties which I am now addicted to. Also icecream cake, with the tastiest part obviously being the chocolate crunchies. It is no wonder I was a chubby kid!
I will leave you with a little birthday poem I wrote:
Birthday party--celebration!
What a joyous thing.
They'll be presents
They'll be music
We will dance and sing
I think I got an invitation
Somehow by mistake
I may not know the birthday girl
But I sure love her cake!
P.S. Thank you all for your thoughts and birthday wishes. Please pray for me as everyday of this year just inches me closer to 30!
What a great idea for a birthday present! Jordan would LOVE a year supply of sugary cereal :)
Glad you had a happy birthday!
Love ya,
hi all
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