Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. There's a lot of other things you could be doing right cleaning, or watching a movie, or writing your own blog. But you chose to spend your time reading mine. For this I thank you! (Hopefully this doesn't make you rethink your decision :)

“As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats a folly” Proverbs 26:11

No matter how hard I try there are always certain follies I just keep repeating...such as getting myself locked out of places that I need to be in. Like my house. Or my office. Or my car.
You’d think I’d learn from my mistakes. But nooooo!
A little while ago I got locked out of my office late at night with all my keys, purse, and cell phone locked inside. Thankfully I remembered our main office has a box of spare keys in it. So I managed to get in there and got the box. It turned out there were nearly 200 keys in it, of course. I hoped maybe I’d get lucky so I started with the big important-looking key chains. After what felt an hour later I finished checking each turned out my office key wasn’t even in there. (Any thief trying to break in with these spares would have given up a long time ago). But being the wise person I am I know that patience is a virtue so I went through them all again to see if maybe I had missed it somehow.
Yeah, I hadn’t.
One of my old cars used to have a beeper with an alarm on it (just in case anybody was foolish enough to try to steal an old station wagon!) Before you started the car you always had to disarm it by pressing the ‘unlock’ symbol. One day on an out of state trip I was stopping to get gas and I thought “Hey, today I’ll be wise and hit the unlock button ahead of time so I can just get in the car and drive away when I’m done.” So I hit the button and got out of the car to pump gas. When I was finished I went to get back in the car and as I lifted the handle the car alarm started wailing. Apparently instead of ‘unlock’, I had hit ‘lock’...whoops! An honest mistake, right?
Except that I didn’t look so honest with a parking lot full of people staring at me while I tried to break into a car with the alarm wailing. It was getting louder by the second..."DEE, doo. DEE, doo... Now I’m a fire engine! Wah ooh Wah ooh. Now I’m an ambulance!" WEE ah WEE ah. Now I'm a police car. [You get the idea].
I threw my entire body over the car as if that would some how muffle the sound.
It didn’t.
When am I going to learn that doing the ‘wise’ thing keeps getting me into trouble?