Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. There's a lot of other things you could be doing right cleaning, or watching a movie, or writing your own blog. But you chose to spend your time reading mine. For this I thank you! (Hopefully this doesn't make you rethink your decision :)

“No harm befalls the righteous, but the wicked have their fill of trouble” Proverbs 12:21


Trouble seems to always find me, even when I’m not out looking for it.A couple years ago on Halloween night I was at my parents house and my mother came to tell me she thought I should move my car further away from the road than where it was parked. She thought some kids might do something to it. I thought this was a strange request since my parents live in the middle of nowhere, down a country road.

I thought, “Yeah, yeah. What are they going to do, egg it?” I didn’t budge. (If I was wise I would have followed the Bible’s command to honor your father and mother). She came back less than 10 minutes later and said, “Your car has been shot.”
“What? Are you serious?”
That’s right, some punks with a BB gun drove by and shot up my car, shattering the glass in the windows and denting my car with bullet holes. When we called the police they said, “That’s’re the only report of vandalism all night”.
Yay! lucky me.
A few months later I was driving home on a winter night and I saw a deer out of the corner of my eye...a big buck. He looked at me, I looked at him.
I said with my eyes, “Don’t you even think of jumping”. Just when I was almost passed him he leapt from the side of the road into the back of my car at full force. I was stunned... I yelled, “Oh no, you didn’t!” I looked in my rearview mirror and saw him flop around in the road like a dazed fish and then bound off into the woods. I got out to look at my car and discovered he had dented the whole rear passenger side, broken the tail light and scratched the car with his antlers.
“Are you kidding me? I just got hit by a deer!”
Later when I tried telling people about it they said, “You hit a could you? That’s so mean.”
“I didn’t hit him!” I said, “He hit me!”
He didn’t even have any insurance.

The funny thing was I had eaten venison for dinner that night. To this day I think the deer was trying to get back at me.